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Can an Alzheimer's blood test help early diagnosis of the disease?

Share on PinterestCould a blood test help detect early signs of Alzheimer’s disease? Bowery Image Gr

Is Your New Year’s Resolution Right for You? How to Tell

Experts agree that health goals, particularly diet and exercise, need to be specific to each individ

Early onset dementia may be prevented by newly identified risk factors

Share on PinterestResearchers have identified 15 modifiable risk factors that contribute to developi

How Much Screen Time Is Too Much For Adults?

Unlike the guidelines for children, there are currently no guidelines for how much screen time adult

CDC Urges RSV, COVID, Flu Vaccination Amidst Rising Cases

A new CDC health alert is warning of increases in RSV, COVID, and flu activity, while vaccination ra

Ibuprofen Not the Best Choice For Migraine Care, Study Says

New research found that triptans, ergots, and antiemetics are more effective at treating migraines c

Current Vitamin D Recommendations May Not Be Heart Healthy

New research found that many people need more than the recommended dosage of vitamin D to achieve op

Women May Be More Likely to Experience Side Effects After Flu Shot

Females may be more likely to experience side effects from flu vaccines than males, new research say

How You Feel About Sleep Linked to Next-Day Mood

A person's assessment of how they slept is linked to their well-being, regardless of what their

FDA Approves New RSV Vaccine for Babies

The Food and Drug Administration recently approved Pfizer’s new RSV vaccine to protect infants.The v

These Lifestyle Factors Could Help Lower Risk of Depression

New research found seven lifestyle factors that may help reduce the risk of depression: alcohol inta

COVID-19 Variant 'Eris' Symptoms: What to Know About EG.5

New COVID-19 subvariant EG.5 currently makes up the majority of cases in the U.S., according to the
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Alzheimer’s: Rare vision condition may be an early warning sign

Share on PinterestA new study shows about 94% of people with a rare vision condition known as poster

Cholesterol: Animal study tests vaccine to lower LDL cholesterol

Share on PinterestCould the future bring a vaccine against bad cholesterol? Image credit: Milena Mil

What Is 'Phubbing'? Phone Habit Might Be Ruining Relationships

People who are exposed to perceived phubbing are more likely to experience loneliness or psychologic

Vegan Diet Improves Heart Health, Aids in Weight Loss

New research found that a healthy, plant-based diet can result in noteworthy cardiac benefits.Even a

Adding Salt to Meals Linked to Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

New research found that frequently adding additional salt to foods could increase type 2 diabetes ri

The Order You Eat Your Food In May Impact Blood Sugar Levels

Food sequencing refers to the order in which different foods are consumed during a meal.Some experts

Sitting More Than 10 Hours A Day May Increase Dementia Risk

Being sedentary for 10 hours or more each day is "significantly associated" with an increase

What Experts Recommend For Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season

Most adults get two to three colds a year; children average even more.Experts note that overexertion

How the Silent Walking Trend Could Boost Mental Health

A new "silent walking" trend has gained popularity on TikTok, encouraging viewers to turn th

Should You Take Magnesium and Vitamin D Together?

TikTokers say that people should take both vitamin D and magnesium supplements to see optimal health

Kraft Singles Cheese Recalled Due to Gagging, Choking Risk

Kraft Heinz issued a voluntary recall of about 84,000 cases of Kraft singles over fears that some ch

‘Fat-Burning Zones' on Cardio Gym Equipment Often Inaccurate

New research shows “fat-burning zone” recommendations on commercial cardio equipment may not provide
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Michael Strahan's Daughter Diagnosed With Medulloblastoma, a Cancerous Brain Tumor

Michael Strahan’s daughter Isabella revealed Thursday that she was diagnosed with and is being treat

Is Your New Year’s Resolution Right for You? How to Tell

Experts agree that health goals, particularly diet and exercise, need to be specific to each individ

Drinking fruit juice daily may lead to weight gain, particularly in children

Share on PinterestNew research links 100% fruit juice consumption to weight gain in children and som

Heart disease: How childhood stress can increase the risk

Share on PinterestResearchers stress during childhood can lead to health issues in adulthood. Elva E

Is being overly optimistic linked to lower cognitive skills?

Share on PinterestCertain personality traits such as excessive optimism may be linked to lower cogni

CDC Proposes Using 'Morning After' Antibiotics to Reduce STIs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a new draft recommendation that ur

Surgery Is No Quick Fix for Obese Teens

Jan 30, 2023 By Madison Evans An option for surgical weight reduction is th

Best Meal Planning Apps

Feb 25, 2023 By Nancy Miller Best Meal planning apps are smartphone applica

Tips for Sustainable Weight Management, According to Registered Dietitians

Restrictive diets or fad diets often result in people gaining back the weight they’ve lost.Sustainab

Marijuana Users Have Higher Levels of Heavy Metals in Blood, Urine

New research found heavy metals in the blood and urine of people who consumed marijuana.The two meta

Poll: Nearly 1 in 10 US Adults Have Lost a Family Member to Drug Overdose

Most adults in the U.S. have a personal or family connection to drug addiction, according to a recen

ADHD Identified as a Risk Factor for Developing Mental Disorders

New research found that people with ADHD may be at risk for other mental health disorders like depre